Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jungle Room

Next comes the nursery!
There was a big Halloween Party at the hubs' work, a few months ago, that involved some jungle decor. Afterwards, a lot of the stuff was "up for grabs" and he asked me if I wanted some of it. For free? Yes, we can definitely have a jungle room SOMEWHERE in the house, if it means I can decorate for free or close to it!
The hubs made this sun for the party. He cut out cardboard and covered it with yellow fabric. Love it! (And, of course, I mounted it with Command Strips!)

We got about 5 of these inflatable animals from the party.We also got these tiki torches from the party!I crocheted twine to make some holders for them. (Twine is NOT the easiest thing to crochet, it turns out, but I like the way it looks for the jungle theme).

Then hung them on these command hooks by the crocheted holders.
I had some leftover sheer, green, tool of sorts. So I tied the pieces together and wrapped it with twine to make "vines" to hang over the crib.

Polka Dot Room

We are in a new house, so let the projects begin! So much to decorate, so little budget. :)
I started with the girls room...

Add a trip to the dollar store, where I found a few of these organizers...
These sweet polka dot wall decals...

And this plastic vase...(which I then filled with all our bouncy balls for the polka dot look).
Then I added some round, furry friends...

And a couple more polka dot organizers from Walmart.Next, for the windows. My kids have a tendency to destroy window coverings (blinds, curtains, you name it). So I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to cover their windows with something that they could not destroy, nor could they use to destroy the walls. This is what I came up with:
I found these polka dot fleece throws at Walmart for $3, nice! Got 2 of them, and sewed some Velcro across the top (the soft side, so that when I want to wash these "curtains" they won't stick to everything in the wash).

Then, I got some Command Strips (we are using A LOT of these in our new house. Love 'em!) and used them to mount the other side of the Velcro across the top of the windows.

And voila! Non-destroyable curtains!

Now if the kids hang on them or whatever, they will simply come down, and I can then velcro them back up. No damage, no problem!
We did go through a couple of failed attempts at these curtains, and during that phase when I wasn't sure it was going to work, I went and got some Con Tact Paper and "frosted" their windows with it, too. (My mom used to always have Contact Paper on hand. She used it to laminate things. She laminated EVERYTHING! Not a bad idea when you've got 7 kids!)

Frosting the windows with contact paper worked pretty well, but I DO recommend that you use two people for this project. The extra set of hands helps make sure it gets smoothed out just right with no bubbles.

Tangled Party

I can't take credit for this one, but it was too cute not to post about. My sister in law threw a Tangled Birthday Party for her daughter.
Awesome banners all over...
Snacks included Flinn's boat (orange slices in blue jello), Sun Cookies, and Rapunzel's Tower made out of donuts...(and, of course, some Hazel Nut Soup!)
Activities included frosting/decorating these awesome sun cookies...

Making some little Pascal Party blower-things...
And a rousing game of "Pin the Frying Pan on Flinn Ryder" (With a large Wanted Poster of Flynn).
And, of course, what is a child's party with out some musical chairs?
It was a great party!