Monday, August 26, 2019

Nut Free School Lunches

School started a week ago. 2 of my 3 daughters are in "nut free" classrooms and are not supposed to bring nuts of any kind to school. It can be challenging for me to think of lunches that my kids will actually eat that don't involve peanut butter, Nutella, or trail mix. So, perhaps for my own future reference as much as to help others out, here is a list of some of the ideas I have had and/or utilized this last week!
And just one quick side note: leftovers are my friends. Most of what my kids ate, last week, was leftovers!

Coffee Cake
Croissant (leftover from chicken salad sandwiches, but most of my kids won't eat the chicken salad, and just eat the croissants plain. But this does bring up the ideas of chicken salad sandwiches, egg salad sandwiches and even meat and/or cheese sandwiches, if your kids will eat them! Most of my kids will not.)
Chili with cheese
Scones (the fry bread kind...not the weird, thick cookies that people have started calling "scones")
Power bar/Granola bar
Microwave dumplings (Sold at my Costco)
Home made lunchables (ritz crackers with cut up slices of meat and cheese)
Pizza (leftover, or homemade lunchable version: when I make home made pizza, sometimes I pull some of the dough aside and make tiny pizza crusts that I bake with nothing on them. then send the kids with the crust, I tiny bit of leftover pizza sauce and a little bit of shredded mozzarella cheese. This is a big hit)
Bean and cheese burrito (my kids have been known to eat these at room temp, without even microwaving them)
Pancakes/waffles with a small container of syrup
Tupperware of cold cereal with money for milk
Banana bread
Leftover pasta
Hard boiled eggs
Sushi (two of my kids actually love the California rolls sold at my Costco. I just sent them each with 5 or 6)
Cinnamon Pull-Aparts (some people call it Monkey Bread)

Good luck, everyone! We've got a whole year to go! Do you have some favorite, easy nut-free school lunches? I could always use more ideas!